w123 om602 turbo 7.5mm dieselmeken

ts the same on the w114, w115 and w123, and i GUESS the other are the same to (it ought to) althou the w124 and w201 isnt..




to get enough space to get the puller in place i had to use a knife at first, then a chisel and last


to get the stuff in place, you dont have to grind on the old inner bearing, it will not stick to the hub, (didnt anytime i changed anyhow)




to get the outer ring of the bearing in on the inside, 46mm 3/4 socket, the old outerring…

MB special bearing tool 115589020700 – 68787


original MB and a aftermarket, the original being a 3/4 socket and the aftermarket a 1/2 socket, one of the teeth of the aftermarket had to be broken of,
(wasnt by me, so i dont know if it was the bearing nut that was of, or if it is slightly of, either way, both works good)
_MG_7984 _MG_7986


one has to use a ridiculus amount of force to get the bearing in place, i had a arm of 2meter to get the proper power. and you will have to tighten without any noticibly change, and then suddenly, it is in place, tight and nice without any play.

i used SKF VKBA 614 on both w115 and w123
patience i important.

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