w123 om602 turbo 7.5mm dieselmeken

Changing the pump on the om602 from stock rs158 to Dieselmeken 7.5mm 180cc rs177
adjusted the injectors from stock 135bar to 150bar, got a good idle, althou the injectors might have been bad before.

going from a stock rs158 5.5 mm to a rs177 7.5mm 180cc going from a stock rs158 5.5 mm to a rs177 7.5mm 180cc

changing inline-pump on the om602 changing inlinepump on the om602

removed the intake, and the piping to the injectors

basket for Inlinepump change om60x basket for Inline pump change om60x

basket for Inlinepump change om60x basket for Inline pump change om60x, important stuff.

180cc pump, limited by ALDA, I dont get maximum fuel from it…

fourth gear, letting go of the gas due to trafic, 3.07 rearend, 15″ bundts

stock turbo, stock gearbox 717.430 (single mass flywheel)

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