Running into a problem with the enginemounts and what color codes they are supposed to have, and what these colors mean in therm of firmness/softness and load rating.
looking at autodocs website they have a lot of different options, with different colormarkings.

Throu EPC i looked up the stock “Engine Mounting” part numbers for a couple of the cars i have, and hopint to be able to tell what works best for what engine, and what the difference realy are.


The mb-numbers below is taken from Clublounge-EPC, and the numbers of the enginemounts is writen down, and then, compared to the color markings that is listed at AUTODOC’s websites.
If you have information that suggest that perhaps the pink is softer than the yellow, id gladly get that info, this is just to get a somewhat idea of the firmness/softness of the different enginemounts for these vehicles.


Colors found

Descending order, where what i think is the strongest ones at the top


Found on the taxi om603 turbo w124, where the “normal” one had yellow, (wierdly enough also on left side on om606 124 with AC, right side got yellow, the AC being a bit heavier makes it likely that the pink one is a bit stiffer than the yellow.)


Found on 300TDT s124, and Taxi 190d 2.5turbo

Found on s124 E 300D but only right AC side whereas the pink one is on the left side

w201 190d 2.5 turbodiesel with AC + Taxi version, where the non AC got the purple/orange version.


w201 190d 2.5 with airconditioner, and 190d 2.5 taxi without airconditioner, where the taxi 190d 2.5 got the yellow ones


w201 190d 2.5 without airconditioner, where the AC equiped got the purple/orange ones.

w201 m102 with airconditioner, where the brown/green had without airconditioner


w201 m102 without airconditioner, compared to the blue that is for the airconditioner equiped one.


A 124 240 19 17 – yellow

124.133 300d turbo, (not taxi)
124.191  E 300 diesel without airconditioner, and right side with airconditioner

A 201 240 52 17 – Pink, orange, purple

124.133 300D turbo, Only taxi
124.191 E 300 diesel left side with airconditioner


Cars and their enginemounts, writen down for comparison

s124 om606 – E 300 Diesel touring – 124.191/124191

A 124 240 19 17, A 201 240 43 17, A 201 240 52 17

A1242401917 and A2012404317 without airconditioner (4317 replaced by 1917) Used right side with airconditioner
Found colormarked as yellow

A2012405217 Used left side only with airconditioner
Found colormarked as purple and orange, but the one that stands out is the pink ones

w201 om602 – 190d 2.5 – 201.126/201126

A 124 240 16 17, A 124 240 17 17, A 201 240 39 17, A 201 240 41 17

A1242401617 and A2912493917 is used without air conditioner (3917 replaced with 1617)
Found colormarked brown and green

A1242401717 Only use with air conditioner (and without airconditioner as taxi)
Found colormarked as blue and “Anthracite”

A2012404117 TAXI with airconditioner
Found colormarked as purple and orange

w201 om602 turbo – 190d 2.5t – 201.128/201128

A 124 240 17 17,A 124 240 19 17, A 201 240 35 17, A 201 240 41 17, A 201 240 42 17, A 201 240 43 17

A1242401717 Use without air conditioner
Found colormarked as blue and “Anthracite”

A2012404117 TAXI without airconditioner
Found colormarked as purple and orange

A2012404217 Use with airconditioner
Found colormarked as purple and orange

A1242401917 Taxi with airconditioner
Found colormarked as yellow

w201 m102 2.0 – 190E 2.0 – 201.024/201024

A 124 240 16 17, A 124 240 17 17, A 201 240 39 17

A1242401617 and A2912493917 is used without air conditioner (A3917 replaced with 1617)
Found colormarked brown and green

A1242401717 Only use with air conditioner
Found colormarked as blue and “Anthracite”

2 thoughts on “Enginemounts – colour codes”

  1. Hello!
    I just bought a genuine enginemount for my 190D (OM601, 5 speed manual transmission, without AC).
    Part number A124 240 15 17.
    It has red code. Something like red letter “F” just under part number.
    MB dealership in Warsaw sayed that will be the best choice for me.

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