Analog Values 1 INPA, Battery VOltage, Air intake, Engine Speed, Coolant temperature, Throttle potentiometer, load Analog values 2 INPA Lambda Sensor voltage and other values, adaption value smoothness values INPA e39 540i

Mercedes-Benz cars, mint condition and/or extreme boost
Analog Values 1 INPA, Battery VOltage, Air intake, Engine Speed, Coolant temperature, Throttle potentiometer, load Analog values 2 INPA Lambda Sensor voltage and other values, adaption value smoothness values INPA e39 540i
Swapping over the old engine harness to the new engine. The new M62B44 originally came from a car with an auto transmission, and therefore some of the plugs and connectors differed from the ones in my manual 535i. Replacing the steering box with the new one out of an M5 E39. The steering ratio is quicker(3 […]
Valve cover gaskets are a weak spot on the M60/M62 engines, and before dropping the M62B44 into the 535i, the gaskets and all of the 24 rubber grommets were replaced. So I figured it was a perfect time to do some touch up on the paint. Old paint residue on the inside of the valve […]