Had a bit of a nasty leak out of 2 out of 5 outputs of the injectionpump. Ordered a gasket/o-ring kit from Erik at Dieselmeken and swapped the O-rings pictured below aswell as everything in the prepump. Prepump Mercedes

Mercedes-Benz cars, mint condition and/or extreme boost
Had a bit of a nasty leak out of 2 out of 5 outputs of the injectionpump. Ordered a gasket/o-ring kit from Erik at Dieselmeken and swapped the O-rings pictured below aswell as everything in the prepump. Prepump Mercedes
The old radiator of the 2.5D turbo w201 (201.128) started to leak quite a bit, there was no way to find a direct fit other than going straight to the dealer. A201 500 91 03 / A2015009103 is the part number, made by Mahle and fit perfectly. The w201 2.5D turbo and the w201 […]
Swapped out the front 4″ 100mm speakers in the dash, aswell as built a closed box with two 8″ speakers for the rear-shelf. front speakers bought from FatmanCustoms https://fatmancustoms.se/produkt/helix-s-42c/ https://www.audiotec-fischer.de/en/helix/speakers/s-42c The HPF/LPF is set at 120hz, and the front Helix S-42C manages the midrange/midbase exceptionally well. The 8″ speakers in the rear-shelf with a custom-built […]
Had problem with the car accelerating. Would not rev past 2500/3000rpm without jerking violently. Removed the fueltank from the car along the fuelstrainer and was completely filled up with gunk/rust and dirt. Cleaning out the tank and the fuelstrainer got rid of the jerking almost completely, every filter was swapped and we had to […]
Removal of monowiper is pretty straightforward, remove rubberseals at the side, to get to two of the total of four screws for the plastic that covers the monowipermechanism. Remove plastic cover, and the monowiper is fastened by a total of 3nuts and 2 screws My problem was the different connections monowiper w201 Since the […]
The facelifted w201 2.5d had a realy bad 7-pin connector on the car for the trailer, tore that apart to put a new aluminium-version in instead, Still a 7-pin, Marking and color of wires of the old 7-pin trailer connector (from 12oclock clockwise 1/L Green 6/54 Red 5/58R Brown 4R Yellow 3/31 White 2/54G Empty/none […]