Volvo N720 1978 7 liter 6 cylinder Diesel, TD70 Zetterberg-Tipper Old Cylinder broken and leaking, managed to find a new one and looks to be in good condition, one gasket/seal is broken, but hopefully somewhat easy to swap/fix.

Mercedes-Benz cars, mint condition and/or extreme boost
the other vehicles we stumble upon where we encounter a problem worth mentioning.
Volvo N720 1978 7 liter 6 cylinder Diesel, TD70 Zetterberg-Tipper Old Cylinder broken and leaking, managed to find a new one and looks to be in good condition, one gasket/seal is broken, but hopefully somewhat easy to swap/fix.
First look/testdrive of the Scania, leaking manifold, leaking air, a couple of 100kgs extra with gravel dirt and dust both inside and outside of cabin. But loads of torque and drove nice Previous owner was a blaster/driller of mountain/stone, and hauled big equipment, dirty, oily and greasy, along with heaploads of stone-dust around the […]
the bushings came out quite easy, but to get them back in was more of a pain in the ass, a bit of silicone lubrication and they finaly popped back in. Sort of reversed order vs getting them out in the pictures above, a set of 3/4 sockets came in handy. one bolt broke […]
Standard fight to get the gearbox down, it was also a lot heavier than the fivespeed in the m64b44 swapped 535i e39 old vs new clutch Swapped gearlinkage bushings also, makes a big difference for the feel of the shifter
Replaced the upper timing chain cover gaskets on my 540i, see 4 and 5 below. I thought it would be a good time to replace them, since most of the other gaskets already had been replaced. Old ones were literally hard as plastic, with no rubber flexibility left in them whatsoever. They broke […]
Starting the Volvo Viking with the D67 engine worked good, but after about 30 seconds, the idle started to rise, slow but steady until it peaked out at max rpm. Turned out the Injection pump diaphragm was broken (some kind of leather) Ordered a new one from ebay and swapped out, worked perfectly The pump […]
Using Winkfp to program a DME with a different software First of all you need a K+DCAN cable. Pin 7+8 in the OBD-connector need to be bridged if you are going to program a BMW manufactured before 2002. This is done to activate both of the K-bus lines used by the older cars. Pin […]
Analog Values 1 INPA, Battery VOltage, Air intake, Engine Speed, Coolant temperature, Throttle potentiometer, load Analog values 2 INPA Lambda Sensor voltage and other values, adaption value smoothness values INPA e39 540i
Decided it was a good time to swap the steering box while the engine was out of the car. 3.8 vs 3 in ratio something. Having replaced all of the other components in the suspension over the years, a fresh steering box was the last missing part for that new car feel. And it made […]
Swapping over the old engine harness to the new engine. The new M62B44 originally came from a car with an auto transmission, and therefore some of the plugs and connectors differed from the ones in my manual 535i. Replacing the steering box with the new one out of an M5 E39. The steering ratio is quicker(3 […]
Also found in the E36 328/E39 528/E36 M3 3.0 but with a different bellhousing than on my E39 535i 5 speed from 1997. ZF S5D 320Z has different oil depending on the label (apparently?), dont know why, but mine has the ATF fluid. Swapped the old ATF that had roughly 370k km on it with 1.3 […]
Removed the driveshaft, gearbox, exhaust and loosened the engine harness from the chassis. We kept the AC-compressor “in the car” aswell as the headers on the engine, this turned out to be really tight. Had to remove the radiator, engine mounts, aswell as right side engine mount bracket (AC-pump to keep the pressure of the […]
Valve cover gaskets are a weak spot on the M60/M62 engines, and before dropping the M62B44 into the 535i, the gaskets and all of the 24 rubber grommets were replaced. So I figured it was a perfect time to do some touch up on the paint. Old paint residue on the inside of the valve […]
540i e39 535i e39 540i e39 535i e39
Instead of buying the BMW tool 114180 we grinded a regular t60 socket down to be able to get throu to the flywheelbolts, dont use a t55 as these might (or rather will) destroy the bolthead. needed to do more than in this picture later on, this was just a tad to little, instead of buying […]
This car didnt start 10 years ago, the front fuelpump was diagnosed as the fault but nothing was done. replaced today with a 044 copy, that fit perfect, had to clamp new ring-terminals on there to fit the different sizes the new pump had (upped one size) to m5 and m6. also emptied the fueltank […]
BMW e39 535i engine swapped to a fresh one from a 735i, 0-200km/h in 24sec
Swap of sway bar from stock 535i to a m5, same procedure as swapping a 540i to a m5 sway bar.
+ crappy enginemount
Perkins oilfilter mf35 26540132
Installing head and new headgasket in the Volvo D67 head, it blew pressure out of the tiny hole on the side of the engine earlier, and the old gasket had some signs of wear. fixed the head, and got it even, new gasket and it turned out perfectly
installed a hose engineheater on a car, and to get the warm water around the engine i wanted a waterpump to start automaticly (one i took from an old w202 gasser) the 220v relay is activated when the plug is connected to the car with 220v, that activates the pump and the ressistor in series […]
tryck ut ur block etc…. klicka för mer info
The implement didnt lower, start the tractor and it quickly lifted to the top.
turned out to be water that had gotten the snapring and controlvalve spring so rusty they had broken of..
+ Service Manual and a few pictures of my problems