Swapped driveshaft left side, and inner “special” boot of right sides driveshaft. Asymetrical “thriangular” shaped boot

Mercedes-Benz cars, mint condition and/or extreme boost
Swapped driveshaft left side, and inner “special” boot of right sides driveshaft. Asymetrical “thriangular” shaped boot
Oilcooler om606 naturally aspirated o-rings. A0129975648 for green o-rings A6069970445 for larger o-ring
Places of rust on a 400E w124, common places that these vehicles rust at, and something that is hidden beneath plastic or rubbery rust”protection” from the factory
Volvo N720 1978 7 liter 6 cylinder Diesel, TD70 Zetterberg-Tipper Old Cylinder broken and leaking, managed to find a new one and looks to be in good condition, one gasket/seal is broken, but hopefully somewhat easy to swap/fix.
Simons 300TE No brakes, No clutch Hydraulic pipes for SLS cracked/rusted Fuelpipe rusted Master-clutch cylinder -broken/bent, previously swapped since it has a A202 partnumber on it. Brakepipes front needs changing
Benetton Formula 1 MOMO KBA 70116 Benetton Formula 1 Lorinser – Wooden/Leather mix About 375mm diameter MOMO KBA 70119 TYP MAL38 Momo – Wood 370mm About 370mm diameter MOMO KBA 70193 TYP AL38 Momo – Wood 350mm About 350mm diameter MOMO KBA 70195 TYP AL36 Momo – Leather 345×340 A bit “oval” and […]
Rusty rear trailingarms w115, from a blue w115 with the 240d 72hp engine. did not pass the inspection
Bought a QDF42B differential to fit my 2.65 diff in my w201. Crown-wheel 1243530812 2.65 diff castnumber 1243434001 Wrong size/offset, and i realised i had bought the wrong diff. Contacted James at www.birdsauto.com and got both help, information and some blueprints with measurements to compare with. QDF42B is for a 3.07 or 3.27 ratio 185mm […]
Start of project: Mercedes Vito Westfalia 110D w638 Need to fix prior to short roadtrip: Brakes – Atleast one caliper semi-stuck – Air Remove Immobilizer Front Speakers Stereo Wiper-blades Interior cleaner on all cloth/madresses Interwall-relay for wipers Try and get diesel-heater to work
It has been more than just a few times where ive looked at this car and contemplated the choice of project. Previous owners have used the “Cheap, good deal” type of mechanics. Besides m6/m8 bolts being torqued to atleast 150nm frequently, any problem seems to have been solved as quick as possible, and with least […]
First look/testdrive of the Scania, leaking manifold, leaking air, a couple of 100kgs extra with gravel dirt and dust both inside and outside of cabin. But loads of torque and drove nice Previous owner was a blaster/driller of mountain/stone, and hauled big equipment, dirty, oily and greasy, along with heaploads of stone-dust around the […]
Checklist of fixes of the 300TE s124 Cursive = fixed High priority SLS-piping leaking Right-rear damper leaking left-rear damper leaking Medium priority Lube/fix sunroof assembly so it moves properly Weld rust-holes in rocker-panels weld rust-holes in floor/spare-tire compartment and other places. Adjust self-leveling adjustment a tad higher New axleshafts/swap boot on left rear axleshaft […]
w201 with both a supercharger and a turbo (Hx40) A car with what is rumored to be the first Mynä pump in Sweden, a car built 13 years ago The car was bought with a lot of missing parts and things to do. No radiator, blown headgasket and most likely cracked head, stuck brakes, […]
The old radiator of the 2.5D turbo w201 (201.128) started to leak quite a bit, there was no way to find a direct fit other than going straight to the dealer. A201 500 91 03 / A2015009103 is the part number, made by Mahle and fit perfectly. The w201 2.5D turbo and the w201 […]
Swapped out the front 4″ 100mm speakers in the dash, aswell as built a closed box with two 8″ speakers for the rear-shelf. front speakers bought from FatmanCustoms https://fatmancustoms.se/produkt/helix-s-42c/ https://www.audiotec-fischer.de/en/helix/speakers/s-42c The HPF/LPF is set at 120hz, and the front Helix S-42C manages the midrange/midbase exceptionally well. The 8″ speakers in the rear-shelf with a custom-built […]
Had problem with the car accelerating. Would not rev past 2500/3000rpm without jerking violently. Removed the fueltank from the car along the fuelstrainer and was completely filled up with gunk/rust and dirt. Cleaning out the tank and the fuelstrainer got rid of the jerking almost completely, every filter was swapped and we had to […]
Had some problem with air leaking in our previous solution for injectors, so we decided to make proper injector seats.
W201 Dragkrok w201 framskärm w201 w124 Drivaxlar w124 ASD diff Kränghämmare s124 (kombi 124, ska va typ 27/28mm tror jag) Dubbelmasselåda+kopplingskit inklusive svänghjul w124 Övrigt Kardan hel/del med 100mm medbringare (220cdi/270cdi/nyare w124 typ 280, parad med 2.87 diffen) Turbo om602/om603 oljeledningar turbo om602/om603
We did the first startup of the m103 turbo w201 yesterday. A bit of trouble with setting up the trigger-sensor correctly and had to play with the settings of the ECU, Megasquirt MS3X, Engdahl Motorsport both made us a start-map aswell as supported us on the go with some feedback regarding timing. http://www.engdahlmotorsport.se/ The engine […]
3″ exhaust with a race cat, and a slimline muffler from Apple mufflers.
Found an acceptable manifold online which fit except for the WG which we had to reroute a bit. Turbo is a Schwitzer S200 with 0.85 AR.
m123 engine belts 1978/1979 m123 1978/1979 databook Mercedes states Belt A for alternator and waterpump 9.5×930 without clima9.5×960 with clima Belt B for powersteering 12.5×818 (as a replacement for earlier 12.5×825) Belt C for AC compressor 12.5×1285 Belt D for air-pump 9.5×825 M103 Without AC 2175
Hade problem med ABS enhet på en s60, och fick väldigt god hjälp av Torbjörn på Carnordic Technology i Malmö. Både vad gäller att hitta rätt enhet efter att ha beställt fel, samt väldigt god kundservice. Kan rekommenderas
Intercooler mount for an intercooler from biltema here i sweden
M103 manifold electronic injectors http://mbturbo.com/car/w201-m103-3-0/ Converting the KJET intake of a M103 to use bosch style injectors turned out to be pretty easy! Get a fuelrail from a M104 Grind down the intake a bit Done Om606 http://mbturbo.com/car/w123-om606/ m110 Turbo manifold http://mbturbo.com/car/w123-m110-turbo/
Ordered a gearbox and clutch+flywheel from bakaxeldelar as mentioned earlier.
Visited Brandtab in Grästorp to buy a driveshaft for the GS6-37DZ gearbox with the 105mm flexdisc bought from Bakaxeldelar.se http://mbturbo.com/ordering-a-new-gearbox-gs6-37dz-from-bakaxeldelar/ Brandtab had a shaft for a good price, and also offered us a quick walkthrou of the facilites, we discussed the possibility to mod in a e46 or e36 hub in a w201 with the […]
Hello Got a hold of a set of A2204010002 rims from a w220 S-class, 16″ 7.5 inch wide and ET46. This is to high ET to even fit in the rear and it barely fits in the rear with a 5mm adapter, but the front is a no go, definetly. Solved that with a 30mm […]
The oilpressure warning light started to flicker. Tried an oil-cleaner-additive to flush it out, no success, but rather more oilpressure problems. Removed the oilpan to see if the famous oil-sludge issue was the problem. The whole engine and oilpan had a thick black coating of oilsludge/oilresidues. The filter for the oilpump was badly clogged and […]