
w201 190d 2.5 turbo Injectionpump leak and prepump overhaul
Had a bit of a nasty leak out of 2 out of 5 outputs of the injectionpump. Ordered a gasket/o-ring kit from Erik at Dieselmeken and swapped the O-rings pictured below aswell as everything in the prepump. Prepump Mercedes

w201 om603 turbo+supercharger Removing the blown head – om603
Tight fit with a Hx40 Holset a om603 and a supercharger in the enginebay of a w201 Intercooler and intercooler piping removed, one good thing about having a rear-mounted radiator. Head removed, al cylinders had leaks and traces of this in the gasket, will look for a replacement since i suspect crackes in it. Timing […]

w201 M103 turbo 3″ Exhaust W201
3″ exhaust with a race cat, and a slimline muffler from Apple mufflers.

w201 M103 turbo Turbo exhaust manifold M103
Found an acceptable manifold online which fit except for the WG which we had to reroute a bit. Turbo is a Schwitzer S200 with 0.85 AR.

w201 M103 turbo Modifying the W201 gearbox tunnel
Modified the tunnel to accomodate for the BMW gearbox GS6-37DZ while keeping the default interior. Gs6-37dz gearbox in w201 behind a m103, but should be the same behind a om603 or om606 aswell.

w201 M103 turbo Intercooler mount W201
Intercooler mount for an intercooler from biltema here i sweden

Intake manifold
M103 manifold electronic injectors http://mbturbo.com/car/w201-m103-3-0/ Converting the KJET intake of a M103 to use bosch style injectors turned out to be pretty easy! Get a fuelrail from a M104 Grind down the intake a bit Done Om606 http://mbturbo.com/car/w123-om606/ m110 Turbo manifold http://mbturbo.com/car/w123-m110-turbo/

w115 om616 240d Fuel strainer
The w115 had a tank hanging below the trunk, and have the fuel strainer hanging at the bottom (the same as the 911 (930) Porsche) The look and design of the filter is quite identical, where the only noticable difference between a gasoline fuel strainer from a w115 and the Porsche fuelstrainer was that the […]

w201 m111 turbo Swap rear wheelbearing w201
Old Wheelbearing Remove the nut holding the driveshaft in place, the Large 34mm 12sprocket nut After that is loose, with a slidehammer get the hub of. Remove wheelhub Remove locking ring/ circlip holding the bearing in place so it wont pop out pull the bearing out remove old bearing parts from hub press the […]

w201 190d 2.5 turbo Monowiper w201
Removal of monowiper is pretty straightforward, remove rubberseals at the side, to get to two of the total of four screws for the plastic that covers the monowipermechanism. Remove plastic cover, and the monowiper is fastened by a total of 3nuts and 2 screws My problem was the different connections monowiper w201 Since the […]

w115 om616 240d fuel level sensor w114+w115 – disassembly
Top right is ground Left bottom is W Right bottom is G The fuel level sensor didnt work, and jumped around the few times it gave a reading, dissembled the fuel level assembly by removing the bottom part the thing surrounding the fuel level “floater” came of. removed a bunch of dirt/fuel ressidue aswell as […]

w123 om606 HX40 8mm Mynä Swap of steeringparts+ installed
Front end work, UpperControlarms, aswell as tierods.

w201 M103 turbo Loosen fan clutch and pulley
Start by getting the water and cooler of. This is very easily done by loosening the three bolts on each side of cooler-bar, by the headlights. There is also one screw in the center, down by the bumper. After this you loosen the hose going to the water coolant reserv and collect the water coming out into something. […]

w201 M103 turbo Final drive – how to change w201
This example is on a 190e 2.6, swapping the original 3.27 diff for one from a 2.3 16v with LSD (also 3.27). For a list of possible gear-ratios, check here: http://mbturbo.com/gear-ratios/ Start by loosening the exhaust and the metal protector going around the cardanshaft right in front of the differential. They are going to […]

BMW E39 540 Winkfp guide program DME
Using Winkfp to program a DME with a different software First of all you need a K+DCAN cable. Pin 7+8 in the OBD-connector need to be bridged if you are going to program a BMW manufactured before 2002. This is done to activate both of the K-bus lines used by the older cars. Pin […]

w140 S500 S500+S400 swap enginemount / motormount w140
Swapped the enginemount on the cars right side, the engine transplanted vibrations to the car when decelerating/enginebraking at about 50-60mph, not a nasty sound, but not something that should exist in a w140 The hardest part was to get the top 17mm bolt loose, one at the bottom was broken of (darn rust) but the […]

BMW E39 540 Engine swap m62b35 to m62b44, removal of old engine
Removed the driveshaft, gearbox, exhaust and loosened the engine harness from the chassis. We kept the AC-compressor “in the car” aswell as the headers on the engine, this turned out to be really tight. Had to remove the radiator, engine mounts, aswell as right side engine mount bracket (AC-pump to keep the pressure of the […]

BMW E39 540 Paint BMW magnesium valve covers m60/m62 engine
Valve cover gaskets are a weak spot on the M60/M62 engines, and before dropping the M62B44 into the 535i, the gaskets and all of the 24 rubber grommets were replaced. So I figured it was a perfect time to do some touch up on the paint. Old paint residue on the inside of the valve […]

New 722.6 Gearbox in you old Car
This Controller is made for all who want a more modern Gearbox in their great old Mercedes Link to the hompage for this product www.ofgear.dk Also a shop www.ofgear.dk/Shop.ehtml The 722.6 Gearbox was introduced in 1996 and has 5 gears and lock up in 5. gear It shares bolt pattern width the 722.3 which is […]

Non Mercedes vehicles wiring diagram hose-engineheater
installed a hose engineheater on a car, and to get the warm water around the engine i wanted a waterpump to start automaticly (one i took from an old w202 gasser) the 220v relay is activated when the plug is connected to the car with 220v, that activates the pump and the ressistor in series […]

w123 om602 turbo 7.5mm dieselmeken changing wheelbearing rear w115, w123 w116, r107 and w126
ts the same on the w114, w115 and w123, and i GUESS the other are the same to (it ought to) althou the w124 and w201 isnt.. to get enough space to get the puller in place i had to use a knife at first, then a chisel and last to […]

w123 om602 turbo coupe Overhauling a differential
Overhauling a differential, changing flange / yoke, thrust rings and special tools to dissemble the differential.

w123 om602 turbo coupe Final-drive, how to change W123
Changing the differential/rearend/finaldrive of a w123, specialtools and basic walkthrou.

M pump hard lines and linkage
If you gonna go 617 superturbo way you will need M pump. Below you can find hard lines pics and upper linkage pics. I marked lower bolts for easier mount. this one in particular is ready for “Sweden upgrade” and after is shipped to the guy in Canada.

w126 Instrument cluster removal
due the weak/plastic gears in instrument cluster all w126 owners has the opportunity to play a bit with instrument clusters. removal can be done using special tool (some do use modified coat hangers) or simply by dismantling drivers speaker housing and pushing the cluster from behind.

w123 remove stearingwheel
remove the star with something that wont damage the plastic insex bolt

w115 om616 240d Final-drive, how to change w114/w115
When i searched the internet for instructions, i couldnt find any,so today i took some photos during my change, hopefully it will help some of you with your projects.